Functional Tests

GI Effects stool analysis

The GI Effects Stool Profile can reveal important information about the root cause of many common gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, dysbiosis.


The Metabolomix test is the most comprehensive way to assess nutrient status. It measures key pathways in the body to see if the body is absorbing and utilising nutrients effectively.

Comprehensive Adrenal Stress Profile

​A Comprehensive Tool to Assess the HPA Axis — Stress Response and Resiliency. Daily hassles, chronic pain, blood sugar dysregulation, work stressors, and poor relationship quality can alter the HPA axis. Imbalances in adrenal hormones can have a wide range of negative consequences that can adversely impact a patient's overall quality of life. The symptoms of HPA axis dysfunction can be vague, and are highly variable, but may include fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, depression, GI complaints, and chronic pain.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Symptoms of SIBO are non-specific, encompassing abdominal pain/distention, diarrhoea, and flatulence. Conditions commonly associated with SIBO include IBS, IBD, Coeliac disease, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Rosacea, Parkinson’s Disease, Obesity

Thyroid monitor and vitamin home test

Brain fog, low energy and weight may have attributions related to Thyroid Performance. This panel combines recognised Thyroid Markers with the addition of markers  Vitamin Status, Autoimmunity and Inflammation.

C-reactive protein), Ferritin (Iron), Vitamin D, Vitamin B12-Active, TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), Free T3, Free T4, TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies), TBG (Thyroxine-binding globulin)

Health and Lifestyle Blood Test

Do you think your lifestyle could be healthier? Do you want to know which health risks apply to you so that you get motivated to improve? Or are you looking to confirm that changes you've already made are having a positive impact on your risk factors? If you want an easy, affordable test that covers many of the main lifestyle risks to health, then this Health and Lifestyle Blood Test is for you.

Vitamin D (25 OH) Blood Test

Vitamin D deficiency is common in the UK, but it is easy to investigate with this accurate laboratory finger-prick test. Keep an eye on your vitamin D levels or see whether low vitamin D could be contributing to symptoms like low energy and muscle aches and pains. So, whether you are unsure if you are getting enough vitamin D, spend little time in the sun, or have dark skin, which makes it harder to make vitamin D, this test can help.

Cholesterol Blood Test

Do you know that cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and would like to know your own status? Do you think that you could be eating better and exercising more and wonder about the effect on your cholesterol levels? Perhaps you have a family history of high cholesterol and would like to know whether this applies to you too. If so, this simple finger-prick cholesterol test can give you the information you need.

Tiredness and Fatigue Blood Test

Do you lack the energy to do the things you enjoy? Is your tiredness ongoing, not just after a late night or strenuous exercise? Do you want to know if there is a medical reason for your fatigue so you can get treatment and improve your symptoms? If so, this at-home finger-prick profile which tests for iron deficiency anaemia, an underactive thyroid and vitamin D deficiency is the test for you.

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